Inc Dev offers lectures, educational conference sessions, and seminars on incremental development in theory and practice.
inc dev Example Topics
All lectures are paid speaking appearances by Inc Dev faculty, founding members, or recommended voices within the Alliance. Topics focus on the speaker's subject expertise but may include:
What does incremental development look like in practice? Story and image heavy presentations on incremental development projects. Motivational in effect.
Why is incremental development important and what are the barriers to its success? Persuasive presentations geared toward a general audience or local decision-makers involved in the development process.
How do you become a small developer? A high-level overview aimed at the beginner. This is a teaser length intro to our training workshops.
How do you become a city that supports small developers? A high-level overview aimed at public officials. This is a teaser length intro to our coaching work.
Past Audiences of inc dev
Inc Dev presentations are ideal for conferences and other audiences who care about the built environment. Some of the groups who have enjoyed our speaking include:
Professional trade organizations like the Florida chapter of the American Planning Association
Chambers and independent business associations
Real estate and home building associations
Local civic groups and neighborhood organizations like Historic Columbus in Georgia